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Kellie's Approach

As your coach, Kellie recognizes your inherent power and wholeness. Serving as your dedicated partner, she listens deeply, connecting with your feelings, experiences, and aspirations. This journey isn’t about rescuing, fixing, or healing you—it’s about walking with you on a transformative path. Together, you’ll rediscover your light and embrace the authenticity that makes you extraordinary, while dismantling the silent burdens of limiting beliefs holding you back from your true potential.

Personalized Support: Kellie tailors her coaching to address the challenges most important to you. Whether you’re balancing family, career, or navigating personal goals, Kellie’s approach ensures that each session resonates with your unique journey.


Real-World Strategies: Kellie provides practical, no-nonsense strategies tailored to the demands of the modern woman’s life. Her approach ensures that you’ll not only envision a life of purpose but also create a clear, actionable plan to move toward your goals.


Empowering Authenticity: Kellie celebrates the authenticity of every modern woman, helping you unravel limiting belief systems and cultivate a life aligned with your true self.


Ready to take the first step and discovery if coaching if for you? Book a complimentary 30-minute coaching session and experience firsthand what working with Kellie feels like.

Career Mom Coach
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The Dilemma:
The Evolution of the Modern Woman

From the ideal housewife to the 1950 to today's modern woman, the evolution has left us in an impossible dilemma. Society expects us to be all things to all people while finding ourselves burnt-out, overwhelmed, unfulfilled. We are in an impossible situation and it's time we take the hard-fought opportunit of choice and choose a life of purpose and fulfilment on our own terms. Kellie champions and serves the modern woman, in all her nuanced forms.

Noisy lovely family morning. Beautiful woman serving pie to her husband and sons sitting a


The Ideal Housewife

In the 1950s, the ideal woman was often depicted as a dedicated housewife and mother. Women were expected to manage household chores, care for children, and support their husbands' careers.

1960s - 1970s

Women's Rights Movement

The women's rights movement gained momentum in the 1960s and 1970s, advocating for gender equality in the workplace, education, and legal rights. The feminist movement challenged traditional gender roles and promoted the idea that women could pursue careers and personal goals outside of domestic duties. This era saw a rise in women entering higher education and professional fields.

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1980s - 1990s

Progress and Challenges

Business woman lawyer manager holding legal documents consulting mature older client at of

Women increasingly entered the workforce in diverse fields, including business, politics, and science. The notion of the "working mother" became more common, although it still faced societal resistance. The concept of "having it all" began to emerge, suggesting that women should be able to excel in both their professional and personal lives. This led to increased discussions about work-life balance, childcare, and workplace policies. Despite progress, challenges persisted, such as the gender pay gap, underrepresentation in leadership roles, and societal expectations regarding family responsibilities.

2000s - Present

The Modern Woman

Today's modern woman often navigates multiple roles—balancing career, family, and personal aspirations. While the notion of "having it all" remains pervasive, it’s increasingly understood as both complex and deeply personal. Women are often expected to excel in their professional lives while also managing household responsibilities, creating significant stress and challenges in maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

The journey of the modern woman reflects both progress and ongoing challenges, as traditional domestic roles give way to a more nuanced understanding of gender and professional expectations. Kellie offers personalized coaching for each woman’s unique path, with a mission to help women break free from limiting beliefs, align with their true selves, and cultivate a life filled with purpose and passion.

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Schedule Your Complimentary Coaching Session

Unsure if coaching is right for you?

Book a complimentary 30-minute coaching session and experience firsthand what working with Kellie feels like. During this time, you'll explore your unique challenges and aspirations, discuss empowering goals, and envision a future where you thrive in every aspect of your life. It’s an opportunity to connect, assess our coaching chemistry, and take the first step toward your new beginning.

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